Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Next Adventure

In 6 days, I will be heading off on the next adventure on this road that is my life.  I figured a change to the blog would be a good way to celebrate... so check out the new look! :)

My next adventure includes college students, high schoolers, sleeping on the floor, cooking for 60, and the North Shore of Boston.  I'm heading to Lynn, Massachusetts, with an organization called YouthWorks.  Along with a staff of 4 other people, I will be creating opportunities for high school youth groups to be a part of what God is doing in Lynn by helping us run a Kid's Club and a sports camp, as well as volunteering with local organizations.  I'm excited and humbled to play a role in displaying God's love to the community and to the participants who join us.

To make this adventure even more fun, God has made it an opportunity to trust Him completely to provide.  My job with YouthWorks is only for the summer.  I quit my previous job at the beginning of April.  And as of right now, I have no plans for the fall... no job lined up; no housing plans; nothing.  It goes against my personality so much not to have a plan right now.  However... I'm surprisingly at peace and totally comfortable with it.  I know that God has a plan, and I don't want to miss out on it.  I'm not willing to miss out on His best for me by settling for something safe.

I'd appreciate your prayers for me and for my team and for Lynn and for our participants this summer.  I'm believing God to do awesome things in all of us this summer.  Pray most of all that we would duck and allow God to be seen in everything we say and do.

I will try to post updates here as often as possible... but it's going to be a crazy summer, so be patient with me. :)

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting new adventure! I'll be praying for you...how amazing it is that you are taking this step of faith!
    Oh, and I love the look of your blog! :-)
