Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Once Upon A Time

"If you want your children to be brilliant, 
read them fairy tales.  
If you want them to be geniuses, 
read them more fairy tales."
~ Albert Einstein

So I watched the new TV show "Once Upon A Time" Sunday night.  It's created and written by some of the writers from LOST (one of my favorite TV shows of all time!), and I was super excited to see what they've come up with.  The first episode has me hooked!  And the subject matter has inspired me to plan on regularly blogging about the show...

The premise of the show is pretty straightforward: The Evil Queen (of fairy tale fame) creates a curse that pulls many of our well-known fairy tale characters (Snow White, Prince Charming, the dwarves, Red Riding Hood & her grandmother, Rumplestiltskin, and more) from the Enchanted Forest into a town in Maine known as Storybrooke.  There, time stands still and none of them know who they really are.  Their only hope lies with Emma Swan, the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming who escaped the curse with the help of an enchanted wardrobe.

I love it!  What an intriguing metaphor for our own lives as Christians.  We were tricked out of the Enchanted Forest (Eden) by an evil enemy (Satan) into a world where we have no idea who we truly are or that we're part of a story in which we have a role to play.  Our only hope is for someone (Christ) to come along and help us realize our true identities.  In this first episode, we're introduced to Emma and Henry, two characters who feel alone, unconnected, and unwanted.  How often do we feel the same?  Until we start to understand that this world and the identity it has given us are not reality, we will feel alone, unconnected, and unwanted.  Just as the characters in the show must come to realize that the fairy tale stories are their true reality, we as Christians must come to realize that the story of the Bible, the story God has been writing since the dawn of time, is our true reality.

I can't wait to see more!

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