Yesterday was my birthday... I turned 27. I'm not sure if I've quite come to terms with that number yet. In so many ways, my life does not look like I thought it would when I reached 27. I had no idea I'd be spending my 27th birthday in Lynn, MA, working with groups of 70 high schoolers each week to serve the community.
To be totally honest, Monday night (the day before my birthday) was really hard. It was the first time I got really homesick. This is only the second birthday I've celebrated away from my family, and last time I was in State College and they were able to come visit pretty easily. I don't think I realized how important it is for me to celebrate my birthday with my family. I'll add it to the list of things I'm learning this summer.
So I woke up Tuesday morning at 6 because I was in charge of preparing breakfast.... Not really my ideal when it comes to ways to spend my birthday. It wasn't too bad, though, and my staff led the group in singing Happy Birthday to me before breakfast got under way. And as the day progressed, God blessed me with a few little reminders that I don't have to be at home to have a good birthday.
During devo time, I was reminded that this job allows me to use my gifts and talents in ways I'd never imagined. I'm not sure I could ask for a better birthday present than to be used fully by God to be part of getting His work done here on earth. I had opportunities to interact with the youth and begin to build relationships with them. And He even blessed me with a Boston Creme donut purchased by one of the crews on their way back from showers. It just so happens to be my favorite, and they didn't even know!
I arrived back at our housing site to find a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my sister and brother-in-law. I got to enjoy fried scallops at Quincy Market in Boston. And when I went to bed last night, I discovered a couple fun gifts and an encouraging card from my staff members.
So even though I was far from home and the comfort of celebrating with my family, God was still able to bless me with one of the better birthdays I've ever had... It's amazing how He's capable of doing that. ;)
I totally know the feeling. 29 is insanely scary when it is nothing like what you envisioned.... and 30 already has me breaking out in hives even though it's 10 months away...