Monday, February 22, 2010

"Take a picture... it'll last longer..."

I kind of want to freeze the last few days and just hold on to them for a while.  It was such an uplifting weekend that even Monday couldn't ruin my mood!  I'm writing this blog post in an attempt to capture this emotional high so I can remind myself of it when the inevitable low comes around again...

Saturday morning presented me with news that had the potential to be painful if Satan had his druthers.  But God obviously had me protected, because Satan was nowhere to be found in that moment.  I not only didn't feel pain, but I received the news with a goofy grin on my face and spent the day in a giddy state of euphoria, thoroughly blessed by the good things happening in the lives of dear friends.

God continued to bolster my good mood with a wonderfully refreshing and candid and encouraging conversation with one of my favorites.  We were both able to share how God has been using us in each other's lives, which lifted my heart.  It was a good reminder that we really can't compare our friendship with a particular person with anyone else's friendship with that same person.  God gives each of us unique gifts and traits that allow us to bless our friends differently... not better or worse, just different.  She also pointed out ways that she's seeing God at work in me (one of her gifts), which is always encouraging because I tend not to be able to see it myself.

Sunday at church we sang a new song called "Relentless".  The words were a healing reminder of how relentless God is in His pursuit of me.  I can never run far or fast enough to get beyond Him or His love for me.  What amazing love!

Then I got to work this morning to find two encouraging e-mails in my inbox... other people recognizing the work God has been doing in me recently...

It's like God decided to just dump a bucket of blessings over my head this weekend.  And I'm so incredibly grateful.  I know that the valleys I have been in recently have been part of the process of growing me into who He's called me to be... but standing on the mountain top the last couple of days-- breathing the fresh air and basking in the sun-- has brought much healing and life to my heart.  I would give anything to stay here, but I know that's not how life works... so I'm enjoying the experience while I'm here and hoping the memory of it will be a source of comfort when I'm not.

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