Thursday, October 21, 2010

Peace Be With You

Over the last couple of weeks, I have discovered that the “peace that passes all understanding” really does exist… and it really does pass all understanding. In situations where I would normally freak out trying to understand all the “whys” in an attempt to fix things, I find myself instead trusting that God has a plan that He’s working out in His timing. Suggestions of new plans or changes that should seem scary have become opportunities to remember what God has done in the past and trust He will continue to act for my good.

It’s not easy… There are days when I want to revert back to trying to be in control, to trying to make things work out the way I want them to. There’s one particular situation where I would very much like to know the future… and where I would very much like His plan to match mine. But I find myself being honest with Him about it and somehow the peace returns. There’s no doubt in my mind that the peace comes from Him; it’s definitely not anything I could create on my own. It’s a peace that comes from putting the responsibility for the outcome squarely on His shoulders instead of my own.
I find that if I’m in a place of believing that it’s up to me to make something happen, it’s impossible to have peace about it or surrender it. If I’m focused on making something happen according to my plan, it’s impossible to have peace about it or surrender it. Lately, I’ve found myself in a place of believing that everything’s up to God. I mean, I obviously have a responsibility to be the best version of myself and to make choices that keep me walking in His will. But the actual responsibility of working out His will? That’s on Him. If His answer is “yes”, He’ll make it happen… in His timing… in His way. I just have to keep walking with Him so I’m there when it happens. And if I trust that His plans are always good, then I can surrender my plans and find myself at peace even when the answer is “no”.

Like I said, it isn’t easy. But peace is so much better than worry or fear or insecurity. Where are you lacking peace? What are your worries or fears or insecurities? Spend some time honestly digging into those places. Perhaps you’re trying to make something happen. Perhaps you’re holding tightly to your plans. Ask God to help you trust Him with those things. Be honest about your desires, but then lay them at His feet. Allow Him to speak truth about who He is and the plans He has for you. And then trust Him. Peace will come.

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