Monday, July 9, 2012

An Ebenezer for the Modern Age

"Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer (which means 'the stone of help'), for he said, 'Up to this point the Lord has helped us!'" 
~ 1 Samuel 7:12, NLT

This moment takes place just after God defeats the Philistines. Israel had gotten off track-they were worshiping other gods-but they turned their backs on those gods and sought help from the one true God. He blessed them and brought them a great victory. Samuel recognizes that help by setting a stone, a memorial. This stone, this Ebenezer, would be a permanent physical reminder of what God accomplished on that day. From that day, Israel would be able to see that stone and remember... and remembering is a huge part of faith! When we remember what God has already done, it will help us to trust Him to come through again.

This story was the inspiration for item #10 on my "30 Before 30" list: get my tattoo. Actually, this has been much more than just an item on a list that I want to check off before I turn 30. I've spent the last 3 years thinking about getting a tattoo as an Ebenezer to recognize the work of God in my life. The question was: what would it look like? I thought about broken chains to represent how He had set me free from addiction, but that didn't really speak to my heart. 

A few months ago, I realized that it needed to be a butterfly. Butterflies have great significance in my life. The image of a caterpillar going through the process of becoming what it was created to be has been a metaphor for my own life. God has faithfully led me through the metamorphosis and allowed me to struggle to break free of the chrysalis so I could fly as he meant me to. I'm not perfect, but I'm free to be me. When I started looking at butterfly tattoo images, I came across a few that had words written in the wings. I decided to add the words 'beauty' and 'freedom' to mine: these are the two best things that God has restored in my life as I have turned from my "small 'g' gods" to the only One who loves me and has the power to prove it.

My prayer is that this tattoo will be like that stone Samuel set up so long ago: every time I see it, I will remember what God has done and believe He will do even more. Even better than that, every time others see it and ask about it, I get the opportunity to tell them about my God and His love.

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