Monday, July 2, 2012

Golden Year

My birthday was last Thursday.  I turned 28.  It feels weird.

For whatever reason, 28 has some sort of significance in my head.  Perhaps it's because I'm now only two years away from the dreaded 30 (gasp!).  Perhaps it's the fact that the invitation for my 10 year high school reunion arrived two weeks before the momentous birthday.  Perhaps it's simply the fact that I turned 28 on the 28th day of the month (which, according to my sisters, ushers in my "golden year"... I feel bad for those who were born in the early days of a month and, therefore, experienced their "golden year" at the ripe old age of 3 or 4!).  Whatever the reason, 28 feels strangely important.  Most of the time I don't really feel like I'm 28.  It could be due to the many hours I spend with people a decade or more younger than I am.  It could be due to the difference between my life and many other 28-year-olds I know (I'm not married, having kids, or buying a house).  It could be due to the fact that I'm still living at home with my parents (at least until September).

Anyway... the thought of turning 28 prompted some soul-searching which resulted in a list of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30 (inspired by my friend Cindy).  I tried to make the list pretty achievable (seeing as I only have 2 years to accomplish it), but I also wanted to give myself some goals that would require some stretching and planning.  Here's the list... feel free to ask me how it's going!

  1. Road-trip somewhere
  1. Visit a national park
  1. Get another stamp in my passport
  2. Start grad school
  3. See the Rockies in person
  4. Do 30 Random Acts of Kindness
  5. Watch the sun set over the ocean
  6. Be in another show In Progress (Once Upon A Mattress)
  1. Read the rest of C.S. Lewis' fiction
  1. Get my tattoo  DONE
  1. Sing karaoke
  1. Discover a favorite hang-out (that's NOT Starbucks or Panera)
  2. Find some of the unique places in Atlanta
  3. Shoot a gun
  4. Paint and display a picture
  5. Read the whole Bible
  6. Watch all 6 Star Wars movies
  7. See a movie at the drive-in  DONE
  8. Watch 25 of AFI's 100 Movies  (I've seen: 12)
  9. Drive with no destination (only left turns?)
  10. Go on vacation with my friends
  11. Have a "usual" somewhere
  1. Spend the night under the stars
  1. Spend an entire day in a museum
  2. See a performance of Swan Lake
  3. Spend at least two nights on the Appalachian Trail
  4. Make at least 30% of the items currently on my "Favorite Recipes" board on Pinterest (326*.30=98 items)  (I've made: 7)
  5. "Go vegan" for a week
  1. See The City Harmonic in concert
  1. Swim in the Gulf of Mexico DONE


  1. This is an awesome list! Let me know if you'd like company while crossing off a few items, especially since we have several in common!

  2. you are invited to follow my blog

  3. I would love to help out with these :) 1,3,4,15,18,24,26,28
