Wednesday, January 20, 2010

God Speaks... through kids' movies?

So... tonight God spoke to me through a kids' movie... and not a "Christian" kids movie, either.  This was not Veggie Tales.  Heck... it wasn't even really a movie... it was a five-minute segment of a kids' TV show.  But even still, God used it.

Lately my friends have been reminding me that this process of (what feels like) demolition and rebuilding that God has been doing in my heart is not about changing me into what I should be, but rather changing me into what I am.  To be honest, I didn't completely get it... until tonight.

The scenario: Farmer Someone-or-other is feeding his cow, who greets him with a "baa" instead of a "moo".  This shocks the farmer, but not as much as discovering that the sheep is mooing, the horse is clucking like a chicken, and the chicken is neighing.  Upon further investigation, the farmer discovers that the animals have (for one reason or another) been acting like each other... for so long that they don't remember how to be themselves.  The solution? Sing the "Old McDonald Had a Farm" song to remind each animal what it's sound is actually supposed to be.

The lesson: I've spent my life acting like something I'm not.  I'm a horse who has been walking around clucking and acting like a chicken.  And I've been doing it so long that I'm convinced that this is what I am.  But it's not.  I'm not a chicken.  Not in any way, shape, or form.  So what God is doing right now is teaching me how to be a horse.  Not because that's what He wants me to be.  Not because He'd love me better if I were a horse.  Not because my friends would love me better if I were a horse.  He's teaching me how to be a horse because I am a horse.  My life will be fuller and richer if I experience it as a horse.  Life will make sense (finally!) if I'm living it as a horse.  So... no more clucking!

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